On August 19, 2013, United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Shaun Donovan, announced the release of the Hurricane Sandy Task Force’s Rebuilding Strategy. This strategy will “help guide the investment of these funds and, in the bigger picture, assist communities across the nation in preparing for the increasing risks caused by extreme weather.” (Donovan, Shaun. “Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Strategy: Helping Communities Prepare for the Impacts of a Changing Climate.”)
Taken directly from the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force’s Fact Sheet, some highlights from the strategy include:
- Ensuring a Regionally Coordinated, Resilient Approach to Infrastructure Investment
- Promoting Resilient Rebuilding Through Innovative Ideas
- Providing Families Safe, Affordable Housing Options and Protecting Homeowners
- Supporting Small Businesses and Revitalizing Local Economies
- Addressing Insurance Challenges, Understanding, and Accessibility
- Building Local Governments’ Capacity to Plan for Long-Term Rebuilding and Prepare for Future Disasters
In addition to the Hurricane Sandy Task Force’s Rebuilding Strategy, President Obama has announced his Climate Action Plan.
There are many resources out there to help with Sandy recovery. Here is a quick list of resources from the States of New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut, as well as the national government, regarding Sandy recovery, as of September 5, 2013.
Helpful Links for New Jersey Sandy Recovery:
- New Jersey Office of Emergency Management
- New Jersey Office of Emergency Management Sandy Recovery
- New Jersey Department of Community Affairs’ Superstorm Sandy Action Plan and Resources
- New Jersey Department of Community Affairs’ Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Action Plan
- State of New Jersey’s Hurricane Sandy Information Center
- The Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund is accepting applications for grants for charitable organizations assisting in Sandy recovery efforts (open until October 3, 2013). Learn more here.
Helpful Links for New York Sandy Recovery:
- New York City Office of Emergency Management’s Ready New York
- New York City Office of Emergency Management Hurricane Sandy Relief & Recovery
- New York City Recovery
- New York City Community Development Block Grant
- New York City Special Initiative for Rebuilding and Resiliency
- New York City Hurricane Sandy Recovery and Your Health
- The New York City Build It Back program offers grants for homeowners to rebuild after Sandy. Register here.
- The New York City Hurricane Sandy Loan & Grant Program is taking applications for business recovery after Sandy. Apply here.
- Long Island Volunteer Center Super Storm Sandy
- Nassau County’s Sandy Recovery Resources
- New York State’s Disaster Homeownership Repair and Rebuilding Fund
Helpful Links for Connecticut Sandy Recovery:
- Connecticut Recovers Storm Sandy Response and Recovery
- Connecticut Recovers Storm Sandy Response and Recovery Grants for housing, infrastructure, economic revitalization, social services, and historic preservation.
- Connecticut Storm Sandy News and Information
Additional Helpful Links for Sandy Recovery:
- United States’ Disaster Assistance
- SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline
- FEMA Region II Coastal Analysis and Mapping
- FEMA Hurricane Sandy Resources
- National Flood Insurance Program
- Ready.gov
- U.S. Small Business Administration Disaster Loans

As always, Danbro Distributors continues our efforts to support Sandy rebuilding and recovery by providing cutting-edge research and testing for engineers, up-to-date house-raising videos for homeowners, and clear information on options for supporting and saving homes post-Sandy.
Dated September 27th
New York State will fully compensate super storm Sandy victims whose property damage claims were rejected by FEMA due to a little-known Earth movement exclusion. Gov. Cuomo also announced that homeowners who had flood insurance claims rejected for that same reason will also be covered.
Thank you, Silvio! More information on this announcement can be found here: http://wp.me/p116s6-xx.