The Sandy Solution Series: Ocean Beach, NJ

The fourth installment of The Sandy Solution Series features Susan Taylor‘s house in Ocean Beach, Lavallette, NJ.  Susan and her husband bought the house a mere month before Sandy damaged over fifty percent of the home.  Tearing the house down was not an option financially, so they decided to raise it.

At the time the Taylors bought this house, they were selling their other Lavallette property.  Due to the storm, they were unable to sell that home.  Thanks to the superior work done by South Jersey Helical Piers and Myroncuk House Movers, the Taylors have decided to raise the second house using the helical piles.

Videography: Pat Haffert and Caitlin Haffert, Danbro Distributors
Video Editor: Caitlin Haffert, Danbro Distributors