Blue Water Condominium

The original timber piles were driven to a dense layer at around 45 feet, but the building was experiencing continuous settlement. Borings indicted the pilings needed to go deeper to achieve refusal in a dense sand layer at 70′.

Project Summary:

  • Helical Pile Type: 3.5″ Pipe Piles (.300 wall) with Underpinning Brackets
  • # of Helical Piles: 58
  • Location: Ocean City, NJ
  • Installation Depth: 70′
  • Helix Plates/Ultimate Pile Capacity: 49 Kips
  • Equipment Used: Pro Dig 10K Drive head (modified) with special fabricated 12′ Boom.
  • Challenge/Unique Aspect: The foundation footer was back under cantilevered porches. Alternative foundation remediation fixes required that the decks be demoed adding significant cost to the repair. Driving helicals with specially designed/modified equipment, allowed for the underpinning to take place without intrusive and costly remodeling.
  • Danbro Installer: Vaspoli Builders
  • Engineer/Architect: Engineering Design Associates