An addition to a parking garage in Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania required a deep foundation. Helical piles were chosen because of speed of install, vibration-less install, and the ease of mobilization and demobilization. These features facilitated the workflow and schedule by allowing the GC to performed other work on the site at the same time the helicals were being installed.
Project Summary:
- Helical Pile Type: RS 2875.276 Wall
- # of Helical Piles: 136
- Location: Bala Cynwyd, PA
- Installation Depth: 10′-17′
- Ultimate Pile Capacity: 80 kips
- Equipment Used: 12K Drive Head, Mini Excavator, Digital Torque Indicator
- Challenge/Unique Aspect: As mentioned above, the installation contractor was able to help the GC by quickly mobilizing and demobilizing at various points throughout this project allowing trucks, excavation, and other trades to perform work during this project
- Engineer/Architect: Gencorelli Engineering
- Installer: Vaspoli Builders Inc.