The Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) has released its new educational tool, “Introduction to Helical Piles and Helical Anchors.” The presentation was created and made available for engineering professors looking to give an introduction on helical piles and anchors to engineering students. The presentation covers the history and uses of helical piers and anchors, and includes several case histories.
In October 2013, Gary Seider succeeded Howard Perko of Magnum GeoSolutions as chair of the DFI’s Helical Piles and Tiebacks Committee. Prior to that, however, the two helical masterminds realized there was a need for a higher education introduction to helical piles presentation.
According to
Helical Pile World, “The development of the presentation evolved over several years with several members of the HPTC working on the presentation and many rounds of reviews, comments, and suggestions provided by the DFI’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) whose charter is to provide technical oversight for all DFI technical publications.”
This heralded multi-partisan effort by members of DFI and the HPTC will benefit engineering students, professors, and the helical pile industry as a whole for years to come.
More information can be found
here. All presentation inquiries can be directed to DFI’s Technical Activities Manager, Mary Ellen Bruce, at