A Very Helical Halloween

By Gorilla

I visited the DANBRO office yesterday and things got a little SCREWy on this very Helical Halloween!

gorilla desk
“Ha ha ha, SCREWy.  I’m so clever!”
gorilla desk 3
“People still think gorillas are monkeys?!”

gorilla office 1
Just some casual office work: copying bananas.
gorilla award 1
2009 Silver Star Award for “LEADing the Way”


gorilla frank
“Boo!” (Frank was so scared…)


























Sandy, DANBRO’s new Administrative Assistant, got into the act as a Boat Captain and Elizabeth, Queen of the Shop, was looking purrrrfect as a cat!

Boat Captain Sandy

Elizabeth Cat








Then it was to the shop and yard for a quick visit and some hard work.

gorilla and Elizabeth b
Gorillas love cats!

gorilla, helical pile, helical pier, lead section

gorilla, forklift, helical piers, helical piles
If you had an order going out this week, you probably have me to thank for it!
gorilla forklift 2
I’m so cool.


















I had a great time visiting DANBRO for the day.  You wouldn’t believe the number of people who were surprised to see a gorilla working with helical piers.  Fun fact: Gorillas love helical piers!

I hope you had a very happy and healthy helical Halloween, too!


gorilla face

Gorilla is the largest of the primates.  Gorilla loves handing out candy, repping DANBRO, and operating heavy machinery.  Gorilla is probably coming to an office near you – get excited!


